Oct 27, 2023
Time for New Tires? Visit Your Buick/GMC Dealership Today

Driving on dangerously worn and aged tires compromises comfort and puts you and your passengers at risk. But how do you tell when it’s time to get new tires from your local Buick or GMC dealership? Monitor your tires and watch out for these signs that it’s time to get new ones from your dealer.

Low Tire Tread

Tire tread provides the gripping edges that keep your vehicle planted on the road. As the tread wears down over miles of driving, tires lose traction and hydroplane more easily on wet roads. Regular tire rotations help to even out tread wear, but after some years, you will need to replace the tires.

An easy way to check if your tread is too low is through the penny test. Insert a penny into your tire tread grooves with Lincoln’s head upside down. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, your tires are too worn and have insufficient tread. Replace them immediately to achieve better traction and handling on the road.

Cracks in the Sidewall

Inspect your tires for any cracks in the sidewall, which is the rubber between the tread and trim. Cracks indicate the tire has lost flexibility and strength. As rubber ages, it dries out and becomes more rigid. This causes the sidewall to lose its ability to flex over bumps and grip the road on turns.

Cracks in the sidewall can also make your tires more susceptible to punctures. They tend to spread fast and can lead to tire blowouts and loss of control. If your tires have worn-out sidewalls, replace them to prevent safety hazards and improve vehicle handling.

Bulges and Blisters on the Tires

Bulges or bubble-like blisters forming on your tire’s tread or sidewall indicate serious structural damage. They are caused by the separation of the rubber tread from the steel cords inside the tire. Bulging occurs as the detached rubber sticks out. Bulges and blisters weaken the tire structure and increase the risk of blowouts, so you should get replacement tires immediately.

Cracked Rubber

Cracks in the tire tread or around the rim indicate the rubber is hardened and brittle. Cracked rubber lacks the give and flexibility to grip the road properly, and it is prone to punctures, tears, and blowouts. Don’t wait for the rubber to split completely–get replacement tires at the dealership immediately.

Old Tires

As tires age, they degrade, shed rubber, and compromise road performance. Most tires should be replaced every six to ten years because they start to become unsafe at this age. The rubber compounds in older tires lose elasticity and strength, increasing the likelihood of failure. If your tires are more than six years old and show signs of wear, you should get new ones.

Worn-out tires can reduce braking grip, handling, and vehicle control. Replace them to enjoy smoother rides and enhance safety on the road. Contact Gay Buick GMC to order new, quality tires from the leading tire brands.

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